How to Manage Orthodontic Emergencies at Home – Tips from Your Rochester Hills Orthodontist

Sep 17, 2024

Experiencing an orthodontic emergency can be unsettling, but many common issues can be safely managed at home until you are able to see your orthodontist. Dr. Daia, your trusted Rochester Hills orthodontist, offers the following tips to help you handle these situations effectively.

Loose Brackets or Bands

If a bracket or band becomes loose, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further complications. Cover the loose bracket or band with orthodontic wax to protect your mouth from irritation. Avoid eating hard or crunchy foods that could exacerbate the problem. Also try to avoid eating on the side of the mouth where there is a loose band or bracket. Schedule an appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible to have the bracket or band securely reattached.

Poking Wires

Sometimes, a wire may shift and begin poking into your cheek, gums, or tongue. Use the eraser end of a pencil to gently push the wire away from the irritated area. If this doesn’t help, use a clean pair of tweezers to try to adjust the wire’s position. Applying orthodontic wax can also provide temporary relief by covering the end of the wire. If nothing helps, call our office so we can arrange to fix the wire.

Lost Invisalign Aligners

If you misplace an Invisalign aligner, revert to wearing the previous set of aligners or move on to the next set and immediately contact your orthodontist for a replacement. It’s crucial to keep your teeth from moving back to their previous position while you wait for a new aligner.

Tooth Pain or Loosening

Mild discomfort or slight loosening of teeth can occur as a normal part of orthodontic treatment due to the forces applied to shift teeth into the correct alignment. However, if you experience severe pain or discomfort, rinse your mouth with salt water to reduce inflammation and take over-the-counter pain relief if needed. Contact your orthodontist if the pain persists.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores can be caused by irritation from braces. To alleviate discomfort, apply a small amount of topical anesthetic like Orabase or Orajel directly to the sore spots using a cotton swab. You can also use healing mouth rinses like Rincinol.

Trauma While Wearing Braces

In the event of facial trauma while wearing braces, immediately check for any damage to the braces or injuries to your mouth. Apply ice to swollen areas to reduce swelling and contact your orthodontist or visit an emergency room depending on the severity of the injury.

Immediate Attention

Some situations require professional intervention. If you encounter severe issues that cannot be managed at home, or if you experience intense pain, it is crucial to contact your orthodontist immediately for guidance or to arrange an emergency appointment.

Following the instructions that your orthodontist gives you is one of the best ways to minimize orthodontic emergencies. Effective management of orthodontic emergencies at home can help prevent further complications and ensure your treatment continues smoothly. Always follow up with your orthodontist for any persistent or severe problems. For more detailed guidance and support, please consult directly with Dr. Daia’s office or visit our website for additional resources and contact information.

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Dr. Daia is fully equipped to provide prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of orofacial pain disorders so you can live a pain-free, healthy life.

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